Setting out to review the Pentel White 100WL I began to wonder what I was going to use it for. These markers seem to be a popular choice with budding Banksy’s but I’m no vandal, neither am I likely to be called upon to contribute to one of those murials that can be found in some urban shopping centres. Its probably best if I just stick to writing about it.
The Pentel White Marker 100 WL has an aluminium barrel, bears a large chisel tip & writes a 5mm line. It has a valve that controls the rate at which the ink flows & is marketed as being suitable for use on non absorbent surfaces like glass & rubber. Measuring just under 14cm uncapped its fairly comfortable to hold if a bit on the chunky side, when you consider the barrel contains 22 grams of liquid that’s probably a compromise worth making.
Removal of the lid emits the whiff of varnish or glue, it takes a while to get the pigment ink to flow, when it emerges from the bullet tip it is, according to Pentel, permanent. The nature of pigment ink generally means that it can’t be removed by water, neither is it likely to rub off. Far be it from me to profess any technical knowledge but it would appear this type of ink contains larger particles which are absorbed in the writing surface.
The Pentel White has been tested & approved by a team of toxicologists at the Art & Creative Materials Institute (founded in 1936 the institute is acknowledged as a leading authority on art & creative materials) & boasts ACMI certification. The liquid is reputably flammable, therefore careful storage is recommended.
I couldn’t end this review without at least trying the marker, the best I could do was test it on a mirror a black plastic bag & blue ruler. After following the instructions & shaking well, the cap proved hard to get off, although a necessity as the markers can dry out. The tip also needed pumping a few times to release ink inside. When in use I found myself shaking the pen at regular intervals, the sound of the ball & liquid flowing back & forth reminded me of the hours I’ve whiled away in my youth watching friends with cans of spray paint trying to lovingly renovate old bangers in their parents garages.
I digress…back to the marker, the plastic bag proved a disaster, the ink ran & far from being quick drying it smudged badly. The ruler & mirror proved more successful but to my eye the text didn’t seem as opaque as expected from Pentel’s declarations. Maybe the performance is dependent on the surface its used on.