Congrats To Pentel For Another Great Year Of Cancer Research Funding

Pentel has been supporting cancer research campaigns in the UK for several years now and announced recently that 2012 was a spectacular year, bringing in a combined £372,000 for breast and prostate cancer work.

BCC Logo

The company helps the Breast Cancer Campaign and Prostate Cancer UK by selling special versions of popular pens such as the EnerGel Xm and the LineStyle. For breast cancer contributions, Pentel offers a the pens in pink, while for prostate cancer, it sells a special blue-and-white model of the EnerGel.

Pentel BK708P P

Pentel Prostate cancer Pen

Pentel donates between £.20 and £.25 of the purchase price, depending on the pens, which are sold year-round. According to the company, total breast cancer fundraising has reached nearly £800,000 in the last six years, while prostate cancer funding, started more recently, is on its way to the £250,000 mark.

Congratulations to Pentel on meeting its goals and thanks for helping to seek a better future for those with cancer.

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Peter Warrior: Pen & Pencil Expert

With nearly a decade of experience in the pen industry, I successfully ran an online pen business for 9 years. My deep-rooted passion for pens and pencils led me to become a part-time blogger, where I've dedicated myself to sharing the wealth of knowledge I've amassed over the years. I'm a firm believer in the power of the written word, as echoed by Malcolm Forbes: "Putting pen to paper lights more fire than matches ever will." My expertise is not just rooted in business, but in the genuine appreciation and understanding of the art of writing instruments.

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