Pilot Pens Raising Money to Build Children’s Hospice in the UK

The people at Pilot Pens – makers of some of our favourite writers – are sponsoring a charity event later this month for the Alexander Devine Children’s Cancer Trust. The goal is to bring a cancer hospice for children to the Berkshire area, so that families don’t have to travel nearly to London for regular treatment.

Pilot Pens Team

From the ADCCT website:

Alexander House will be a home from home environment  providing respite and quality time for the whole family, palliative care, specialist respite care, 24 hour emergency care, advice and bereavement information and support for the family.

(The trust is organised by John and Fiona Devine, who lost their 4-year-old son Alexander to brain cancer in 2001.)

A team from Pilot will don yellow T-shirts and walk a seven-mile course around Cookham on 20 June to bring attention to the children’s trust, then will hold a raffle the next day. The team also has a page on JustGiving.com where people can donate. They’ve raised £105 so far and are trying to hit £5,000.

We spoke to Carmel Fogarty, a senior credit controller at Pilot who is heading the fundraising, about donations for the raffle. She said any nice, small items will do, and that people already have sent in things like pens, bottles of champagne, and cutlery sets.

So why are we telling you this? In case you want to help, of course.

To donate money, simply visit the Pilot Pen page at JustGiving. Or, to send something for the raffle, ship it to Carmel Fogarty at this address:

The Pilot Pen Co (UK) Ltd
4 Dukes Meadow
Millboard Road
Bourne End

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Tony Bridges

As a seasoned journalist and freelance writer, I've spent over three decades telling stories and exploring the world through the written word. With a passion for writing instruments, I found my niche at The Pen Vibe, a blog that shares our collective fascination with pens, pencils, and other tools that have shaped the art of writing.

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